Lok Sewa Aayog is a kind of public service which is controlled by the government. It is a kind of job opportunity for all nepalese people. It helps to reduce their unemployment and poverty of the Nepalese people. Lok Sewa Aayog is a kind of public service,where all Nepalese people get easily it's service.
Basic needs to apply for the Lok Sewa Aayog in Nepal
Basic computer knowledge
The candidates should be 10th passed
Candidates should pay 1500 for vacancy of first division and 1200 for second division
Candidates should be minimum 21/22 years old
Candidates should submit documents required for the post with passport size photo.
How to apply for the Lok Sewa Aayog
You can apply in Lok Sewa Aayog in Nepal by online and offline. Certain time period is fixed by the government for applying on required post.
Apply For Lok Sewa Online
- step1: You should have to open your browser and type psc.gov.np,
- step2: Then, in the homepage of PSC website, you can see the latest updates.
- step3: When you reached there, you can see Advertisement at the left-hand side.
- step4: There you can search what are you looking for.
- step5: Click on the vacancy advertisement that you want to apply in.
- step6: Then there link will opens. Click on download in Pdf. The pdf file respective to the vacancy opens. It contains all the information regarding the number of vacancies, position, places, etc. Go through the pdf file to get the information you need.
- step7: To check for your vacancy, you should update and regularly check the websites. If you are waiting for result, then Lok Sewa Ayog Nepal Exam. Result Notice will help you for get your result.
Apply For Lok Sewa Offline
- step1: You should read the newspaper and news.
- step2: If you have a information about advertisement of Lok Sewa Aayog, then you can test it(it is true or false) from the government office which is near from your home.
- step3: Then you get the information(date of the examination , vacancy or advertisement, qualification) about Lok Sewa Aayog
- step4: If you want to apply for their advertisement, then you should have to knowledge about the related advertisement. So, you can gain knowledge from institutions, books.
- step5: Then you should have to attempt in exam of Lok Sewa Aayog.
- step6: After examination you can get your result through Gorkhapatraa, miking, newspapers and online(Lok Sewa Ayog Nepal Exam. Result).
Vacancy of Lok Sewa Aayog
The vacancy of Lok Sewa Aayog is open one time in one year. It is opened in different districts. Mainly Dalit people can easily get the jobs of Lok Sewa Aayog. It is for the all Nepalese, but Dalit people have a chance for these vacancies, because they are backward from Janajati.
The main Vacancy of Lok Sewa Aayog in Nepal
- Nayab Subba
- Civil Engineer
- Office Head
- Teacher
- Financial Accountant
- Bank Manager
- Other jobs
Questions and Answer of Lok Sewa Aayog
From google, Wikipedia, https://www.loksewaayog.com, https://sajilosanjal.com
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